Monday, June 8, 2020

Why Hospitals In The United States Fail To Admit Errors - 550 Words

Why Hospitals In The United States Fail To Admit Errors To Patients (Essay Sample) Content: Hospital ErrorNameInstitution AffiliationHospital ErrorThe general standard of the United States law is well established to favor everybody under different sectors. Under the civil commitment law, a patient is required to attend a hospital under his or her will. Furthermore, every patient is expected to adhere to every point that is stated under the law. The laws that concern health are not strictly fixed, and they are such that they give room for interpretation and explanation. It, therefore, allows the hospital workers to do everything that is relevant to the patient without any fear. This paper will seek to states some argument that the main reason why hospitals in the US do not admit medical errors to their patients is not fear of the lawsuits.Lawsuits cannot be the primary cause since the doctor alleged to have made a mistake can submit an apology letter that outlines the consequences and indicates who will be responsible for the mess. This apology will not be re lating in any way with the lawsuits terms. In this case, therefore, lawsuits will be a weak excuse for the failure of the hospital to admit that they have made an error since there is another way to which they can avoid it (Dawkins, 2016). The hospital can give other alternative reasons why they cannot accept that they have made an error. These alternative ideas are for example when the hospital wants to maintain trust among the patient and reduce the blame hat might have been accused of.A lawsuit does not give any benefits to the hospital than maintaining the relationship with the hospital's environment. A hospital will prefer stating the sake of keeping the relationship with the outside environment as the primary reason for not accepting the occurrence of the error. It is because the hospital will be more beneficial than when they accuse the lawsuits (Southern, 2016). In this case, the expectation of the patient will maintain that the doctors are qualified and will provide expert services. It will also help to retain the essential elements of tort in the hospital. When the hospital refuses to accept that they have made an error, they are trying to hide the negligence of most of the doctors and therefore will retain the internal relationship among the workers of the hospital. It is therefore clear that lawsuits will not be the main reason for the rejection.According to Austrian (2016) the lawsuits cannot be the main reason why the hospital can reject an accusation that they have made an error since other main reason such as the tedious process of identifying who exact have done the error cannot be easily made (Austrian, 2016). The hospital will reject the accusation to avoid this ted...